difdrummer's Diaryland Diary



Rolling Thunder Storms this week end, I love it, still means it is Spring, fighting off Summer. It should be a cool night after this evening storm. Really nothing new to report here, I do have tomorrow off, Monday, if you want to harrass me here.

My company from Idaho did arrive,but felt he had to settle in before his job starts tomorrow. I had a couple of visitors this week end. Buddies I do not get to see very often. But all in all, just a quiet week end. I am almost glad to see that the state of Texas is having to face the reality of it's legal system and it's careless way of handing out the death penalty like circus tickets. I still say:"You will never find anyone on death row, who has money!"

I have survived the Upgrades from Webtv and really like all the new changes. Maybe not noticeable to any one but us users, but still nice. I love hearing from you and hope you will drop me a nice email, telling me that you are doing good! Love, Robert of Saint Louis

23:21:43 - 2000-06-11


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