difdrummer's Diaryland Diary



This is the week end before the Independence Day Holiday! The USA celebrates the fact that it is a democracy and the people can vote. However the sad truth is the people are no longer voting and the country has as it's primary value Greed and Violence, under the guise of freedom of expression. We used to have a free press. We no longer have that either, the news media networks are owned by big business and the news is entertainment, and the citizens are not told how the country is really run.Our leaders used to elected by the majority of the voters, now they are determined by how much money is needed to buy the office.

What used to be a melting pot, of different cultures,has become a culture based on the lowest commom denominator. Our young people are not able to read and write. Our cities are filthy and look like bombed out war zones. People take no pride in where they live. Once we used to be be seen as reaching out to help other nations, now our goal is for our citizens to use up all the world's resources and to hell with everyyone else.

It is time for another American Revolution for the citizens to regain their own country and to take it's resources away from corporate America and for communities to start being responsible for what goes on around them, instead of waiting for NBC or Hollywood to create more of their mindless worlds full of braindead,passive viewers who need to be entertained so they can not think. We do not have to wonder why other nations feel no deep affection or even respect for the USA. That is the normal reaction to a bully!

18:56:40 - 2000-07-01


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