difdrummer's Diaryland Diary



As we end the month of June and enter July, our country, the USA celebrates it's birthday. We celebrate our independence from England. I would imagine about half the world celebrates it's independence from England, since at one time Britanina use to rule the waves.

For some reason we pick the hottest time of the year to celebrate but I guess it made sense at one time, because everyone just wanted to be outside where it was cooler and they even ate and slept outside in the summer months. As you read this I hope you are,at the same time, hearing the music of "Yankee Doodle", a song we here consider reflecting the whole Revolution.

I have a day off tomorrow, Monday June 26th. So if you are thinking about writing to me, this would be a good time to do it, while I have time to write back. Otherwise please stay in touch and let me hear what season you are in and what holidays you are celebrating..(That is for my penpals on the other side of the world.) Your friend here in Missouri, BOB

20:50:08 - 2000-06-25


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