difdrummer's Diaryland Diary



THIS IS AUGUST...[the last month of summer] Can't say that I am sad at all. Boy! We had a great month of July, I have not used my A/C at home in about 2 weeks and fans only on occasion. Cool enough for a blanket at night.

To top all that off and I guess related to the nice weather. I have had alot of friends stop by that I haven't seen in awhile and that was fun. Seems, in general, that spirits are better in milder weather. Still enjoying alot of 3 and 4 day week ends. I will continue to do that til the end of September. If you call my answering machine ,you will find out my next day off. I do that because folks are not used to me being home on a week day.

On the internet I am enjoying two news groups: one is folks from Missouri and the other is a MENS'group, talking about mens'issues. Both have taught me alot. There is a lot of sharing of information in the Webtv community and I think calling it a COMMUNITY says alot. My co-worker and I have taught each other alot about HTMLs and other features, that may be just too much to learn alone or at least not as much fun. My Army buddy in Chicago just survived brain surgery to remove tumors. He is doing well. He has been through hell and back.Well I have to get back on the Yellow Brick Road, hope I run into you there....Love from BOB

10:21:58 - 2000-07-30


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